Sunday, October 18, 2009

Caples Creek Fall

It's a cold morning in the Sierras in the middle of fall and all is quiet at Kirkwood Lake but for a few people milling about including ourselves. Gone are the summer crowds and cars. Cabins now sit empty with curtains drawn and boats lay idle along its shores. It's a beautiful time in the mountains as tinges of yellow begin to wash over the surrounding landscape. There is a stillness, a quietness as if the mountains have been abandoned with the coming of winter. Only a few lingering birds could be heard in the trees as the sun's warmth slowly replaces the morning chill. Alas, it's a good time to come. Perhaps the last time for this season. We are here to hike to Caples Creek Fall. It is less than a mile by trail, but we decide to find our own way through the steep granite maze. Use the link below to see all the pictures.
Link to Photo Album: Caples Creek Falls Scramble

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